
The rules for successful marketing during recessions

Writer: رامي قطيني -


The rules for successful marketing during recessions

Marketing is a group of activities and processes that work to discover the desire of customers, services and products that satisfy their desires, and achieve profit for the organization
During an appropriate period of time.
Every now and then, markets go through a "recession" stage, during which the marketing of a good, product or service is difficult; As those are marked
Phase down sales; As purchasing power declines at this stage, and consumers tend to change their buying patterns by avoiding luxury products and being content with
With basic or low-priced products.
There is a stage known as the "depression stage," during which consumers lower their purchasing levels further from the stage
Previous; This makes it imperative for marketers to respond to it by reducing the prices of their products, improving their services to customers, and increasing their promotional campaigns to stimulate demand for
Product, focus on quality and price (value).
- Good marketing is one of the most important pillars on which the success of an entrepreneur depends, regardless of the importance of services and the value of return provided by his company, its success depends
On the professional methods of marketing.
- The customer should be motivated to make the purchase decision, by presenting the benefits of service delivery, notifying him of the current product offers, and the advantages he gets by buying now, and changing
The company's strategy or plan, whether marketing or selling during recessions, and focus on the most selling products by preparing a creative marketing plan.
It requires raising the efficiency of employees, increasing their skills in dealing during recessions, opening new markets, searching for new customers, and providing services
Additional to them such as internet or telephone support, continuing to contact loyal customers, introducing new products, motivating sales staff, and activating the market from
During short and intense promotional campaigns.
The company often wastes valuable time if it expects the market to improve in order to sell its products, as well as not investing the available opportunities without achieving any benefit.
And because the markets change quickly, and the demand for the product decreases for various reasons such as changing the tastes or the need of the consumer, the institution must ensure that the product is
It can be developed to maintain the demand for it, and adhere to the entity's market share.
It is important for the management to determine whether its product is required only in the region in which it is based, or at the state level, making sure if there is
Competitor product locally or internationally, and scale of competition.
The company must ensure that the market accepts its product before investing in a project that may fail. Thus, it must form a clear objective picture
About the expected market for the commodity; This is achieved by collecting the largest amount of information about it and its market.
Poor time management
Sometimes in companies, we notice employees' complaints about their large number of concerns, and despite this, you find their productivity below standard. This is for multiple reasons, the most important of which is poor time management
Time Management, organizing and dividing time to achieve goals and duties, helps us complete our work faster and with less effort.
This reminds me of a folk tale about a “woodcutter” who went to the forest to cut trees, with a blunt ax, and was finding it difficult to accomplish his mission, so someone passed by
He told him, "Sharpen your ax well to get your work done faster," and the woodcutter answered him while trying to cut down the tree: Can't you see that I am busy in my work? From where time

To sharpen the ax ?!

Some think that time management makes it automatic and makes it like a machine, which can be avoided by making time flexible, so no matter how much you try to organize your time, you will face things other than
Expected, while others believe that writing goals and planning is a waste of time, although there are statistics that show that every hour we spend planning provides
We have between two to four hours; This means that you get 730 hours a year, which you can invest in other things such as entertainment or caring for your family
Or self-development.
System for every employee
When the organization’s systems are weak - according to management’s knowledge - you may find every employee demanding a system that matches their liking; It usually indicates a lack of awareness of its importance in a walk
the work; Thus losing the incentive to develop. There are studies that indicate that many employees do not know what they will be like after 5 years, for example, but everyone
Wants to discuss with management about their present and future. Also, we find that most departments do not talk to their employees about their career goals, even with those
Who could not abandon them.
Hence, the importance of the establishment's systems being strong, with a healthy environment that incubates talents and distinguished employees, giving them new opportunities to invest their capabilities.
This is because the distinguished employee often wants to share their ideas and be heard.
Nevertheless, most establishments are characterized by special and strategic systems and a vision that they try to implement, and thus they may not welcome opinions opposing these systems.
Some managers consider that these employees are not able to be part of the "work team", so the result is passive employees who implement what is required of them.
Without any incentive or motivation to develop.
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